Page name: The Alliance of Elven Swords [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-16 03:31:54
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Alliance of Elven Swords

This wiki is the hub of the Elven Alliance. This is not an RP.

For those of you who don't know about the Alliance, or aren't members, most of the Alliance members all have stories for their characters (they may not be up-to-date, readable, well written, ad nauseam) that are written from the author's point of view. There for the different stories are interesting when the characters meet, b/c you can read it from different character's points of view and that's cool... yea.... ^^

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the time line of the Alliance stories has changed. Me and my Muse have talked (no really, we did, on MSN.) and we decided it would be easier, and a much cleaner time line to go by. this will not effect too much in the stories (as few of you have gotten very far in your stories) but i expect you all to change accordingly. if you have any questions contact me. Thank you
-[Celeste of Darksword]

They are stories, so if your a writer and have a good idea please talk to us (or just do it and then ask about it)!




[Celeste of Darksword] - I'm the Original author, talk to me if you wanna join. the main story line is REALLY full...but talk to me anyway! we can make more than one story line!

[Ryo-oki] - Is said to be the authors muse that she is authors Muse gets prime second spot

[Dulce Vita] - <---I only gave him the third spot because he owns the page...

[Alleria] - LOOK! I AM higher on the food chain!

[Apollo of Crowingblade] - Sweet, number 5 at last. I'd like to thank myself, for not having a job and having extra time!

[Ceres of Laedun] - Hey I'm Lizzie.I'm not the best writer but the sarcasm makes up for it.Ceres is my character.If you want to here about her you gotta read her story since she doesn't come into the Alliance alot.She's one part wood elf one part faerie.You know you want to come to read her.Come witness the insaneness that is Lizzie's mind.Hahahaha!!!!!

[Driden of Duskblade] - the blah blah blah of this jumbled mess of things...

[leah of lightsword] - Kinda of a Co-Creator helpeds author when she has block or needs ideas, I like poultry.

[Aurora Of Moonblade] - The pyro of the group. Stained glass artist, and too random for her own good.

[ceridwen] - The Nessieness

[rshgngnflgn of vasilica] - the confused, silly one. Aww, he's silly. He is now offically a duck.

[tetsuo] - The Genasi(half elf, half elemental)

[Lizisthebest] - One day...I'll be Optimus Prime..just you wait and see

[maggie the pie] Total DITZ... a bit too outspoken... and well still a maze to figure out.

[chuchutrain] - Yay! *sits waving a flag with a giant "YAY!" on it*


[Saun Of ShadowSword] - I am not klutsy.I just gracefully hit the ground!!! ^_^

[.soldier] - Random guy @_@'.

[black worm] - Black Worm the keeper of the Dragons 

[Christia] - Umm? what'd she just say?

[~*~MLA*07~*~] - The Fashion Guru of the group...No j/k.. im just the one who gets pissed easily.. well sometimes and the one who wants to be understood and took seriously

[SpeedWacer] - The wace of the bunch, spreading love and cynicism to the masses.

[Drummin Maniac] - THE drummer of the bunch

[.ash.] - ...

[Deregan] - The new guy. Ultimate Dragon at your service, but I AM a dragon so I will bite back. Part vamp. too. Don't ask how.

[Morfeaohtarawen] - The forigner, i'm so alone in ohio Hehehe....Ohio is for Lovers...*snicker*

[ababy] - im the winny baby of the alliance. *boooooooooo-hooooooooo*

[Darren M] - im dannys boyfriend and a friend of lydias <-- ^^ he's the coolest gay guy on this wiki!...wait...he's the only one....@$^@.......WOOT go me i'm the COOL gay guy... the rest...suck...okay maybe that was a bad choice of wording...

[Everilde]~Otherwise Known as Larien Elensar.[Go Alliance! Yay!]

[-Living two Lives-]- Joel. He's a loser that can't link his own name. (lol, J/k!)

^They WUB us! ~A.S.
(If i put you in the wrong section I'm sorry, that may be due to the fact that you havent writen for a while, or a mistake on my part)


Stories/Alliance Related

The Alliance Stories Index

Alliance Characters - [Ryo-oki]

people of the alliance

*NEW* Alliance Info *NEW*

A Deeper Look

*NEW*Alliance of Elven Swords Banners*NEW*


Appeared once on the The Wiki Awards!


CREATOR: Lydia Simmons a.k.a [Celeste of Darksword]

PAGE OWNER: "Mr.Kinsey" [Dulce Vita] <---Jerk

PAGE IDIOTS: Lara (the squirrel), Danny, Bek bek, Amfomee Patchit (He does his patchiting when rshgngn messes up), Andrew (he does his rshgn.. wait a minute... what.), Steve (He's the new guy) And Joel (The whackiest guy you'll ever mee, but we love him...)

As you may very well have noticed I'm not on ET all that much anymore. So, if you need to discuss something w/ me (the direction of the Alliance, my story, idk what else, etc), I invite you to email me at -- Dulce Vita

Username (or number or email):


2006-08-12 [maggie the pie]: See? I'm not alone!

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: No one is alone...

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: spinach=no

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: spinach=yes

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: okay well... spinach+me=no!

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: ok!

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: hehe! I'm glad we can agree!

2006-08-12 [Lizisthebest]: hehe wow I'm making Beaver blush alot more lately
:O! *shocked face* I understand now...I make Beaver....horny XP lol kidding like I could do that
*dances sexyly while taking off clothes* lol jk

2006-08-12 [.soldier]: Oh wow...strip monkey man, strip!

2006-08-12 [Lizisthebest]: ....ouch....since when am i a monkey man *starts eating banana and climbs tree*...ur words are so hurtful :( lol

2006-08-12 [.soldier]: Heh.

2006-08-12 [Driden of Duskblade]: WOW...I had to go back and read 4 pages to catch up with you people...but yes lydia can be the assistant, just like she was for chrissy during my operation...sad thing was there were sour screams because chrissy wouldn't CUT my hair, she'd drag the siccors across it like it was paper...OUCH...any who bye now has latin home work 

2006-08-12 [.soldier]: Yikes.

2006-08-12 [Dulce Vita]: Mmmmm, Latin = Evil Fun. Wait scratch the fun.

2006-08-12 [.soldier]: Lol.

2006-08-12 [Driden of Duskblade]: i think it's fun...

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: O.O *covers my eyes and cries for her mental stability after seeing steve start stripping*

2006-08-12 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...well that's one way to react about it...

2006-08-12 [.soldier]: ain't all that bad.

2006-08-12 [Dulce Vita]: Are you just taking Latin I or Latin I & II?

And wait till you to the end of the class. You get to start long ass translations. And other fun shit that I forgot about.

2006-08-12 [maggie the pie]: I have to take English IV online or I'm not going to graduate.. this sucks.

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: lol.. I'm taking English 4 PreCalc. DANCE!!! (it's fun!) and... World Geography! hehe.. WOOT! i have fun classes! 

2006-08-12 [Lizisthebest]: wait was thats it aint all that bad, to me stripping latin?
im confused....more so hoping for latin on this one

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: ... I just love how everyone on here ignores me.

2006-08-12 [Lizisthebest]: i wasn't ignoring you...just when it comes to school id rather not hear of those courses till i go back to school myself...i dont ignore u neways

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: I don't ignore you

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: lol.. okay!

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: yahoo!

2006-08-12 [Lizisthebest]: *random shout*!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: *is blown away from the random shout*

2006-08-12 [Alleria]: yahoo..?? that's a search engine... random shout.... random...

2006-08-12 [chuchutrain]: true enough...

2006-08-12 [maggie the pie]: I still have Spanish at times, and Senioritis has set in already, I don't want to go.

2006-08-13 [.ash.]: Wow. The subjects of this place... Change so quickly.

2006-08-13 [Driden of Duskblade]: yes very...and don't worry steve i was speeking of latin...

2006-08-13 [maggie the pie]: Most of the time.

2006-08-13 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...:b

2006-08-13 [Lizisthebest]: lol ok thats good

2006-08-13 [chuchutrain]: lots of subject changes makes for an interesting conversation

2006-08-14 [Celeste of Darksword]: hmm...I love how my darling bf comes and doesn't say anything about the fact that Steve was stripping for me...

2006-08-14 [Lizisthebest]: haha of course not :P

2006-08-14 [Driden of Duskblade]: hehe you should be happy about have your own personal stripper

2006-08-14 [Lizisthebest]: haha dont u wish i was at least good :P

2006-08-14 [.ash.]: I like grapes.

2006-08-14 [Lizisthebest]: i like....strawberries....

2006-08-14 [Driden of Duskblade]: i like apples

2006-08-14 [.soldier]: Beer, for me.

2006-08-14 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol beer is icky

2006-08-14 [chuchutrain]: beer is icky...I like mangos

2006-08-14 [.soldier]: Beer isn't nasty...its just an aquired taste.

2006-08-14 [chuchutrain]: I guess...but I still don't like it

2006-08-14 [.soldier]: I admit, the first time I took a sip of beer. I about puked. Then the second time, I was at a party. My friend gave me a cup of beer, and I didn't want to waste it, so I downed it. Third time, I was with my brother and he tossed me a beer. Didn't really bother me much.

2006-08-14 [Celeste of Darksword]: beer= yuck. I like Pomegranates!

2006-08-14 [.soldier]: I thought you were gonna say Seagrams...those things taste like piss.

2006-08-14 [Celeste of Darksword]: eh, wine coolers tend to make me sick.

2006-08-14 [.soldier]: Wine coolers can never get me buzzed. I'd have to drink like 20+ of them...

2006-08-14 [chuchutrain]: o.O and that's a lot of money

2006-08-14 [.soldier]: Yeah...

2006-08-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: hmmm new subject....Beaver+Ducky=Platapus!

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Beaver+Otter+Duck=Platypus.

2006-08-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: theres no otter in there.

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Yeah huh...bill of a duck, body of an otter, tail of a beaver.

2006-08-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: body and tail of a beaver

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Its more otterish though...

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: well you have no otter anyways....unless steve becomes the otter...but I don't think Duckie and Beaver would get tired of him... ^^;;

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Ducky!

2006-08-15 [.ash.]: My inner-hampster thinks it's a kitty.

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: what's a kitty? a platypus?

2006-08-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Go to and click on Images...then type them in the search.

2006-08-15 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol and to think googlge it is an actual word...stupid dorks...

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Heh...reminds me the day I set all the computers in the ClientLogic employee lounge to

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: All four of them...

2006-08-15 [Driden of Duskblade]: I want to click that link???

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: um...ok?

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Lol, its but backwards...people at work were like, "WTF?". It was great.

2006-08-15 [Lizisthebest]: *looks back* haha well if you really care to know one named I some how managed to aquire was the Sexy

2006-08-15 [Driden of Duskblade]: ... ...

2006-08-15 [Lizisthebest]: yea lol dont ask....dont wanna expain it all but in short im the sexy damn duck alive :P

2006-08-15 [Driden of Duskblade]: ....but i thought curtis was the duck? *does that cute little chibi confused face ee-wah draws me with*

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: curtis is the duck...and celeste is the beaver....then...who the hell are you?! *points to steve*

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Don't look at me...I'm just an octopus, yep yep yep...doing my octopus things.

2006-08-15 [Lizisthebest]: hmm well either im a sexy a hooker....or im just steve (STD free hooker might i add)

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: STD free, huh? That costs more.

2006-08-15 [Lizisthebest]: yea...yea...YEA! ur right im like......5 fortune cookies now

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: oh come on! You're STD free! FREE! that is work like...6!

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: I'll give you two pieces of bubble gum and some string.

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: What kind of string?

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: ...I, a string from some yarn?

2006-08-15 [chuchutrain]: that's a good deal!

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Yep...and people say I'm a Jew when it comes to trading.

2006-08-15 [Alleria]: ... whaaaat?

2006-08-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: hey now! I claimed Steve as my hooker! just look at the Index page! he's my hooker! and Steves a dinosaur...not a duck...jeeeeze...

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: A dinosaur hooker? DOUBLE U TEE EFF...

2006-08-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...*stares at comment*...why did you spell that out???

2006-08-15 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Because thats how killers type. Didn't you know he's a killer.

2006-08-15 [.soldier]: Heh. The only thing killer about me is my gas.

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: See! He's a stone cold gasious killer. Don't mess with him or he'll get to farting on you!

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Hehe. Yes...fear the power that is sealed within the breakfast burrito.

2006-08-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: *dramatic music* the flatulence fiend! how can any one being be that foul!

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: To hell with breakfast burritos, pull out the big guns, the frozen bean burritos!

2006-08-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: *screams and dives under couch*

2006-08-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: you couldn't possibly be that cruel could you?

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Holy damn're talking Hiroshima here.

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Oh yes he could. I saw him take out a whole flock of llamas once. It was horrible.

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: ROFL.

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Poor little llamas.

2006-08-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: Llamas! poor defenseless Llamas!

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Exactly Boss. I want it big, I want it silent, and I want it deadly. Take out all of orlando in one shot.

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Lmao, I'm about to...I hate this muther-futhin' town.

2006-08-16 [chuchutrain]: *reads the other comments and pulls out a clothes pin and puts it on my nose to plug it* that is so sick you guys...

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Lol.

2006-08-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: *pulls out CB* Short Sheep to Little Train, do you Copy? we have to get to the bunker ASAP! Over.

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: aha! Their goes their leader, Fire at will Big Boss, I repeat fire at will, this is not a drill, eat those burritos!

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: If I eat anymore burritos my ass will explode.

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Then go for my special chili with 25 different beans!

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Good lord, Anthony if you ever wanna sodomize my sweet ass again, I'd suggest we cut back on the beans.

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: And why haven't I gone up on the totem poll, I've been writing my lack of ass off!

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I can wait a few years until your ass heals, we have to keep suppresive fire on them!

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: Lmao. Sir yes sir! -continues dropping fart bombs-

2006-08-16 [Lizisthebest]: AHHHHH!!!!! *jumps in bunker with Beaver*....oh god its horrible out there :(....oh yea and hehe im your dinosaur hooker :P

2006-08-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: They have reinforcements! Call in Rshgngnflgn and Dulce!

2006-08-16 [.soldier]: I don't have their numbers! >.<;

2006-08-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: you guys are in serious need of some help

2006-08-16 [Lizisthebest]: scared

2006-08-16 [chuchutrain]: Copy that, Short Sheep. *breaths in fart bomb and screams* I'M HIT! I'M HIT! I'M GOIN' DOWN! MAYDAY MAYDAY!! *falls over dieing*

2006-08-16 [Lizisthebest]: *pops head out of bunker* nooo stephies hit!!!! *breathes in air* AHHH!!!!! *starts to die, and leaves bunker open*

2006-08-16 [chuchutrain]: *dies while dramatic music plays*

2006-08-16 [Lizisthebest]: noo poor steffi...but...HA....HA! *dies with bunker door left wide open*

2006-08-17 [Driden of Duskblade]: ... ...*plays dramatic music for the death of steph*

2006-08-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: *only one smart enough to wear a gas mask* NO! STEVE, STEPHIE!
*drags dead bodies into bunker and closes door* 
I'll never give up!
*gets giant can of air freshener*

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: *pulls out .22 rifle* Hah, your air freshner won't do you any good! *shoots can and watches it explode in celestes hand*

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: WOOT! I got bumped up. I knew all this spare writing time would help out somehow!

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: -continues farting, sparing no one of the smell-

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Sergent Snake, what can we do about that mask she's wearing?

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Shit, that mask was made in Russia, it'll fall apart in five seconds.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Ok, continue bombardment!

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: Hehehehe.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: State what side your on or we will be forced to open fire on you!

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: Agh!!! Whichever side is winning, of course...

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: My side, of course.

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: Then, your side of course.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Then you may want to get behind Sergent Snake. Or is that in front of him?

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: In front of him would be better.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Keep an eye out for any reinforcements on the enemy side.

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: Hehehehe.

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Fire one! -wet fart- Fire two! -runny fart- Fire three! -shat self- Damn...

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Uhh, Captain? The gun overheated...

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I hate to do this, but its for the greater good. Stand back! *Turns around and bends over* OPENING FIRE!

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Oh hell! -dives, takes cover and plugs nose-

2006-08-17 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...*puts on gas mask and continues to plat death music for people*

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: Eh. It's not that bad.

2006-08-17 [chuchutrain]: *is dead in the sealed bunker with the dead steve and celeste* X.X

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Not that hell.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Yep. Just imagine, dead fish mixed with lemons.

2006-08-17 [.ash.]: Mmmmmmm. Sweet.

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Dude...I just gagged. xD

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I'm in complete control. Of my bowels.

2006-08-17 [chuchutrain]: *sits up* that is just sick... *dies again*

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Lol, not the van though. But damn that was fun.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Most rides with me are fun and/or scary as hell.

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Yeah, but most rides with you end in candy injected with meth. And waking up sore in the anal region.

2006-08-17 [Lizisthebest]: *gotta love being dead....cant smell a thing*

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Lol.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: But you are turning an interesting orangish brown color there steve.

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Oh that? Yeah...I rubbed him in some beaver poop.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Oh snap.

2006-08-17 [.soldier]: Beaver poop...helping grow corn for over 50 years.

2006-08-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Beaver poop... Rubbed on canadians for embalmment.

2006-08-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: hey wait...Beaver poop? *breaths and dies*

2006-08-18 [.ash.]: *laughs hysterically* That was classic.

2006-08-18 [Celeste of Darksword]: I try.

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: ewww...thats i saw a beaver yesterday ^_^ then it went underwater...i would have gone after it...but man beavers are vicious

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Yeah they are.

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: there like *snap* oops there goes ur hand

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Or *snap* there goes your nipple.

2006-08-18 [chuchutrain]: Beaver humans Beaver Fever since 1659.

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: So true...

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: man beaver fever is itch is too :(

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Bird flu sucks more though...

2006-08-18 [chuchutrain]: never had either of them...

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Well, bird flu will kill, I'm not surprised you've never had it.

2006-08-18 [chuchutrain]: lol yeah...that isn't surprising

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: bird flu isnt a guaranteed death just ery very very very likely

and duck itch is just a stupid thing where its like chicken pox...and it itches lots....but u cant itch it at all or else it gets worse and spreads

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Shit, tell that to the thousands overseas that already died from it.

2006-08-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: duck itch sounds a lot like poison ivey.

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: pretty much is but u get it from things underwater

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Hm...ducks rubbing up against you is bad, eh? Makes you itchy, huh?

2006-08-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I don't think I'd be swimming with the duckies in the first place. Too much duck doo.

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: haha no not ducks underneath like docks in on open lake.....that is bad for u...makes u itch adn turn pink :P

2006-08-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Only things I get from open lakes is an ear infection. Same bacteria?

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Well damn...

2006-08-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Well ham!

2006-08-18 [Lizisthebest]: no idea :P.....hmm

2006-08-18 [chuchutrain]: so...why would they call it duck itch if it has nothing to do with ducks?

2006-08-18 [.soldier]: Probably from ducks being there in the first place.

2006-08-18 [chuchutrain]: I guess....

2006-08-18 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...hmm...maybe I should get my Ducky his shots...

2006-08-18 [chuchutrain]: or maybe you both should get shots...

2006-08-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Yeah, cuz Dulce may give you da duck itch.

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